
Τhe teacher is the soul of the class



Dear parents and students, When teachers work in a language school they must be prepared for everything. First of all, they must have great ideas, get inspired by all the students’ attempt and be concentrated not only on their difficulties but their interests as well.

They usually spend more time on teaching material but it’s also very important many times to pay attention to what every student has succeeded so far. There are activities which must be done in class but on the other hand there are details which must be given by the teacher which may not exist in the workbook or the course book as well.

What I want to say is that the teacher is the ONE who must provide more details and explain any grammar section which might be difficult. Τhe teacher is the soul of the class who must find the advantages, such as having a well-organized programme and method in all four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).

That’s what the teacher promise to do in Helen’s School.

Visit it and find out….

Yours Sincerely

Helen  Panousopoulou


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